S_DEATH.TXT by Francesco Orsenigo Updated 7 Feb 2002 Xarvh Documentation: http://freeweb.lombardiacom.it/xarvh/ This file conatins all informations about the Realm of Death Magic. At the moment is just an incomplete list of books/spells, and descriptions are available only for changed items (and not all!) Death Magic would still need 1 Uncommon and 2 Common spells. 'Degeneration' spell should also be added. Realm of Death Magic: - DEATH MAGIC - BOOK - SPELLS LIST - SPELLS DESCRIPTION - CREATURES DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - DEATH MAGIC Indirect attacks, lots of mana, lots of weak and cheap units. Negative enchantements. - BOOKS Maiores Libri: Dominus Ex Daemoni Dolor Aeterno Precis Obscure Supplicatio Tenebrarum Minores Libri: Damnatio Odii Codex Damnati Execratio Blasphema Nocis Sermo Vox Oblivium De Astaroth Daemone De Sephiroth Daemone De Behemoth Daemone - SPELLS LIST Rare Death Spell Death Wish Word Of Death Zombie Mastery Uncommon Black Prayer Black Wind Blasphemia New Cruel Unminding Demon Lord Eternal Night Evil Omens Four Horsemen Pestilence Shadow Demons Sterility New Unholy Weapon New Warp Node Wraiths Common Animate Dead Black Channels Black Sleep Bloodlust New Cloak Of Fear Cloud Of Shadows Consume New Corruption stolen to Chaos Curse New Cursed Lands Dark Cloud New Dark Rituals Darkness Drain Power Eye of the Damned New Evil Presence Famine Ghouls Licantropy Life Drain Mana Leak Night Stalker Possession Skeletons Subversion Terror Wall Of Darkness Weakness Wrack Wraith Form To Define: + "germe del male" countinously corrups terrain around target city. + "Skeletonts" City population is slowly converted into skeletons. + "Raise bones" Raises a dead unit as undead. - SPELLS DESCRIPTION Blasphemia (Uncommon) Upkeep: 4 Casting Cost: 50 / 250 Target: Friendly Unit. Target unit will be immune to True Light, Dispel Evil, Holy Fire, Star Fires and will ignore Consecration, Bless, Holy Armor. Bloodlust (Common) Casting Cost: Target: Combat Friendly Unit Target unit will start lose a figure each combat turn, and for each figure will gain a +1 bonus to melee and ranged attacks, armor, and resistance, unitil the unit is completely consumed. Consume (Common) Casting Cost: - / 100 Target: Friendly City The city is completely destroyed. Each 2 people destroyed, 1 Undead spearmen is spawned. Each people destroyed will provide 20 mana. The casting wizard lose fame as if normally destroying the city. Curse (Common) Casting Cost: Target: Enemy Unit As the unit dies it is instantly transformed into undead, under caster's control. Bless, TrueLight and Righteousness will void the effect. Also Light creatures are immune to the spell. Dark Cloud (Common) Casting Cost: Target: Overland Friendly Unit All the unit's stack is covered in a dark smoke: enemy wizards cannot gain any information on it, exept that 'there is something'. Eye of the Damned (Common) Casting Cost: Target: Overland Summons a flying, non-corporal eye, great for scouting. Sterility (Uncommon) Upkeep: Casting Cost: Target: Enemy City The city stops to growth. Stream of Life and Sterility will negate each other. Unholy Weapon (Uncommon) Upkeep: 3 Casting Cost: 40 / 200 Target: Friendly Unit The target unit unit will gain Life Steal 3. - CREATURES DESCRIPTION Demon and Demon Lord will be slightly powered up. EOF ===========================================================================